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Project "Space and Power"

The multi-year project "Space and Power" at the JustCityLab examines from different angles the reciprocal relations between the production of space, identity and power relations, and the use of space for oppression, maintenance of the status-quo or progressive transformation. The theoretical framework draws from political geographic knowledge, urban studies and views the city as an emerging arena where colonial, national, capitalist and democratic forces intertwin in long-term struggles. The project contains a series of international, regional and local studies, which include, among other things, an examination of the impact of urban cultural policy on social resilience, the situation of settlers in decolonized regions of the world, and an analysis of the impact of digitalization on cities around the world, and in Beersheba.

Leading researchers

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Prof. Erez Tzfadia (PI's)

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Dr. Hagit Keysar


Netta Amar

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Sharon Eshel

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