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The Global SouthEast Project

The "Global Southeast" Project focuses on insights, lessons and concepts arising from the massive urbanization processes taking place in the Global South and East, and their implications for cities in Israel/Palestine. The long-term work in this project focuses on theoretical and comparative developments, together with a group of researchers from India, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. The project also has imperial aspects, arising from research on cities in Eastern Europe, the Palestinian Territory and the countries of Africa and South Asia. The main focus is on the processes of creating the "gray space", urban indigeneity and coloniality, and resistance 'from below' among residents of informal spaces, transit neighborhood. Immigration and digitalization.

Leading researchers


Prof. Oren Yiftachel

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Prof. Erez Tzfadia (PI's)

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Dr. Hagit Keysar

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Huda Abu Zeid

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Ahamad Amara

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Atwa Abu Frih


Netta Amar

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