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The Digital City

The BGUrbanLab has recently launched a new project: "Digital Urban Citizenship".  The project examines the consequences of recent digitalization of governance, services and resources on social relations, right to the city and urban citizenship. It focuses on conceptual and empirical investigation through what we term as D.I.E.P. impact, denoting four key dimensions: (a) Data and its accumulation, use and abuse; (b) Infrastructure – material and intellectual; (c) Economic-social transfer of resources and reshaping of group relations; (d) Politics of digital decisionmaking and resistance. Special focus is placed on analyzing societal digital transformation from the periphery inward, focusing in each dimension on digital gaps, bordering and patterns of power, mobility and marginalization.

Leading researchers


Prof. Oren Yiftachel

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Prof. Erez Tzfadia (PI's)

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Dr. Hagit Keysar


Dr. Regev Natensohn (MI's)


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Dr. Ronen Eidelman

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Dr. Rani Mandelbaum

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Lubna A-Sanna

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Aviad Museri

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Mohamed Mohamed

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Dr. Dorit Garfunkel

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